Star Wars Episode 1 Racer/N64

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer/N64

Modèle: 045496870416
Prix: 44,99$

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Titre EN : Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Date de sortie : 1999-05-18
Joueurs : 2
Description : Join Jedi-to-be Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars race of your life! Relive all the thrills and excitement of the Podracer sequence from Star Wars: Episode I. Hang on tight - with afterburners on, Podracers max out at a simulated 600 mph! Race in furious competition against more than 21 opponents! Take on over 21 tracks in 8 unique worlds. Avoid hazards such as methane lakes, meteor showers and Tusken Raiders! Featuring spectacular 3D environments!
Audience : E - Everyone
Coop : No