Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams/PS2

Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams/PS2

Modèle: 013388260607
Prix: 49,99$

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Titre EN : Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams
Date de sortie : 2006-03-08
Joueurs : 2
Description : Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is the latest installment in Capcom's third-person action franchise. You play as Soki, a young and powerful warrior who, with the help of some friends, attempts to defeat the evil Hideyoshi and the Genma forces. There are new characters, artificial intelligence-controlled secondary characters, and a new gameplay system that lets you take control of various characters throughout the game. In addition, you will be able to customize your character, weapons, and attacks.

You have to enter a code to unlock 2 player mode. At the title screen, both players hold R1+R2+L1+L2. Then the 2nd player press START, and there will have sound effect if the code is entered successfully.
Audience : M - Mature
Coop : Yes
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